The past has a tendency to haunt me and follow me, no matter how I try to escape it. I also have a tendency to want to sit and wallow in it, refusing to move forward. Yet, you have not created me to merely be the sum of my failures. You have not called me to cast my eyes downward and shuffle along in this ghostly fog that fills my mind.

All I once held dear, I will leave behind.

You have called me for so much more. You have taken me to the highest point in these lands and lifted up my chin to cast my eyes outward. To examine all the land that the light touches and the infinite horizon that is out there and to reach for it and beyond. To not worry myself with what is behind me but to move these mountains that laden my shoulders, freeing myself to partake in what you have for me.

It is not fame that I desire, nor stature in my brother’s eye.

Not to steer this ship or claim it for my own but to share in your blessings with others and build your Glory going forward. To forget those things which are behind me and look forward to your promises ahead. To remember that I am part of something so much greater than myself, which lifts me high out of these pits I have dug in my soul.

I pray it’s said about my life that I lived more to build your name than mine.

Kari Jobe — The Cause Of Christ

I cannot move forward while constantly looking back. There is a purpose and a calling you have invested in my heart that I can no longer keep in the shadows. You have shown me a glimpse and I could not even fully take that in. I pray that I will press towards your goal, to love those you have put in my life. To bless all those I encounter. To walk this path you have laid out for me, adding to your Name and Glory.