Fight The Dawn
An Abstract Legacy

Archive: Oct 2016


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I feel trapped in my own body. I feel as though I have this understanding and creative energy expressing itself in my mind and soul but when it comes to the surface to be expressed in the body it is all wrong. Like I am a newborn foal struggling desperately to walk but stumbling and falling incessantly. I can comprehend and understand what needs to be there but my body is disconnected.

I’ll be honest, I don’t think I’m a very good actor. I don’t seem to have the voracity of appetite for it as others do. I don’t seem to have much innate talent towards it. It feels like the harder I try the worse I get, but in not trying it doesn’t magically come either. I just feel very lost in it all. So it begs the question at these times of why the hell am I doing this?

I know in explaining all this as such to others they would look at me quizzically and ask me, “Why don’t you just quit?” Which don’t get me wrong, I ask myself that all the time. Why am I doing this? Why do I go back after getting yelled at? Why do I continue on when failing miserably? What even interests me in something I don’t seem to be good at?

One would think there would be some great answer to the why. The crazy beautiful thing is, I don’t have any answer to that. I used to write down the ‘reasons’ why I act, but when faced with these times those go out the window. I only know that I cannot not do it. It doesn’t make sense logically but I’ve stopped trying to be logical about this craft of acting. I have no idea what I am doing, and more often than late I struggle severely and feel utterly alone. Despite all that something inside me grows and burns greater for this craft.

And No

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I have no idea what I’m doing. Back to square one. I have entered into self destruct mode. I’ve never made it past this point in anything. At least from here, if I make it past this, it’s all new things!

Why We Do This

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I would be lying if I didn’t say that my journey through acting had not been rough as of late; feeling stuck in my acting, smothering my creativity through defense mechanisms which only leads to frustration. To eating big portions of humble pie as I struggle to stop comparing my current work to others’ best work. It has been a ride of ups and downs and what seems like mostly downs as of late.

But last night was a break away from that, and not just in the sense that something came through for me. No, rather last night was a rare occasion and opportunity where art truly lived and breathed through everyone in that small red room. Where everyone showed up and stepped out to be brave and truthful in every action, behavior, and word. It was quite breathtaking. There was a beautiful scene displayed, mixed with gorgeous and touching monologues. It was a divine moment.

To be a part of that communal sharing of art and truth was a breath of fresh air, and reminded me of why I do this. Why I suffer through the long nights, the endless frustrations, the facing of all facets of my life and self-particularly the bad parts, the despair, the rejection, and the constant struggle of ‘showing up’. Because in a moment, if one is prepared and willing, there can live such beauty in truth that affects the soul in a divine way. To be a part of that is humbling.

I believe that it cannot be expressed through mere words, on why we who journey down this path choose this journey, or feel called to this craft. It can only be experienced. And when that experience comes, of living and experiencing the beauty of truth in acting, then and only then will you know if this is truly for you.