My son, this silence you sit in was never meant to stifle you. Your voice was never meant to be cut off; a silent scream rippling across this endless void. You were meant to sing, to laugh, and to edify. You were only meant to gather yourself in these moments of quiet before charging back into the fray.

My son you were never meant to hide in the shadows. You were never meant to sail this sea alone. You were meant to lead; to embolden and empower others. You are a presence to be felt and a presence that feeds off others to reflect back their own glory. You are a mirror of grace and greatness.

My son you were never meant to suffer the weight of these wounds you carry. You were never meant to be defined by your depression or darkened by the desolation of that day. You were meant to shine brighter, to realize that everything you thought you lost was actually contained within your soul. You were meant to be free and floating, an example to lead others to heights they never could imagine on their own.

My son you were never meant to do yourself harm. You were never created to inflict any harm on anyone, least of all yourself. You were meant to heal. Every part of you was created to help those around you. Your hands were made to lift others up. Your feet created to stand as firm ground for those that were shaken. Your heart quickened to enliven empathy towards others. Your eyes brightened to see others for everything they are, letting them know they are never forgotten. Your tears prisms to reflect the promise made that even on the worst days better ones will follow.

My son you were never meant to hate. You were meant to love.